简介:号称世界最强的特工兰斯·斯特灵(威尔·史密斯 Will Smith 配音)身形矫健,手法绝伦,虽然独来独往,行踪诡秘,却凭借过往的辉煌成绩在特工届声名远播。可是就是这么一位顶尖高手,却遭到别有用心之人的陷害。为了躲避追捕,他只得求助于看似平平无奇的科学家沃尔特(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 配音)。沃尔特不善交际,深居简出,但他那灵光的脑袋藏着无数的创意和发明。通过他的的帮助,兰斯被变成了一只鸽子。 一人一“鸟”通力合作,与藏在幕后的黑手展开对决……
简介:After being exiled from Afghanistan, a former war journalist settles in a small town in northern California and takes a job with a local newspaper. But when he attempts to cover local crime, he stumbles into local corruption that puts himself and others in danger.